Ridwandul Amin receives grant for research on sustainable working life

How can a sustainable working life be created for people with depression and fatigue syndrome? Ridwandul Amin is one of five researchers who have now received a research grant from Afa Försäkring to develop more knowledge about this.

Ridwanul Amin at the Department of Medicine Solna receives SEK 3.8 million to his research project about private employees with depression and fatigue syndrome.
The aim is to provide increased knowledge about how workers with fatigue syndrome can achieve a sustainable working life through tailored interventions and thus be able to continue participating in working life despite illness.
Read the full article on the Afa website (in Swedish): Afa Försäkring ger 18 miljoner till forskning som gör nytta i arbetslivet.
Afa Försäkring finances research and development in work environment and health with the aim of contributing to fewer work-related injuries and reduced long-term sick leave for employees in the private sector, municipalities and regions.