Rewarding exchange of knowledge when delegation from Switzerland visited PUF-V and FiH
The Doctoral Programme in Health Care Science (PUF-V) and the Research School in Health Science (FiH) recently welcomed Professor Andreas Gerber-Grote with colleagues and ten doctoral students from the School of Health Professions at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). The purpose of the visit was to discuss collaboration in different areas of doctoral education, and to increase opportunities for internationalization.

The two-day program included presentations of postgraduate education at KI and the University of Zürich, as well as presentations of the Swedish health care system and examples of post-graduation career paths.
The doctoral students and supervisors from both universities expressed that they were very pleased to meet, and several new contacts were made for future collaborations. The PUF-V curriculum has for the past two years included online seminars on health economics, where ZHAW planned and carried out the activity. After this successful visit, PUF-V and FiH will continue to review the possibilities for future joint activities together with ZHAW.