Researchers from 11 countries meet for the third I-CARE4OLD consortium meeting

On 7 and 8 June 2022, researchers from all over Europe, Israel, the United States and Canada gathered at Karolinska Institutet to discuss the research and latest developments in the I-CARE4OLD project, an EU-funded project launched in 2021.
I-CARE4OLD aims to enable individualised care for older persons with complex chronic conditions, by developing a state-of-the art decision-support tool for healthcare professionals.
Davide Liborio Vetrano, work package leader in the project and leader of the Karolinska Institutet team, together with Lu Dai and Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga, from the Aging Research Center, hosted the meeting.
Based on the analysis of data from 52 million older recipients of home care and nursing home care, that was collected in a standardised way by the comprehensive assessment e-platform tool InterRAI, the KI researchers and their consortium partners identified homogenous groups of patients sharing common patterns of chronic diseases.
The results serve as a basis for the further development of a fine-tuned algorithm for the final product, an e-solution which will support healthcare professionals taking care of older patients with frailty, to take better balanced decisions and gain better insights on the future health trajectories of their patients.
After a fruitful first year, the consortium members will further seek to involve healthcare professionals and decision-makers by inviting them to participate in surveys, webinars, and pilots, in their quest to develop a user-friendly product meeting the needs of end-users.
The I-CARE4OLD project will run for three more years and will come to an end by the end of May 2025.