Researchers at FyFa receive fundings from the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation

Congratulations to Daniel Andersson, Jacob Karlsson, Malin Jonsson Fagerlund and Mattias Carlström!
Daniel Andersson receives project grants for his project “Understanding cardiometabolic dysfunction in systemic inflammatory disease - towards new pharmacological therapy” of 3 x 800 000 SEK.
Jacob Karlsson receives funding for research months for two years for his project “Translational evaluation of a novel continuous method for non-invasive monitoring of mixed venous saturation in children with congenital heart defects”, of 2 x 260 000 SEK.
Malin Jonsson Fagerlund receives project grants for her project “Levosimendan in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest”, of 2 x 600 000.
Mattias Carlström receives project grants for his project “Therapeutic effects of dietary-derived bioactive nitrogen oxides in cardiovascular disease associated with kidney and metabolic disorders”, of 3 x 1 500 000 SEK.