Positive feedback on GPH environmental audit

In 2024, the KI internal environmental audit involved visits to all institutions to identify and assess positive and negative environmental impacts of KI’s activities on the environment. Marie Hasselberg, Therese Lind and GPH environment and sustainability representative Ann Liljas met with the external audit lead and KI’s environmental coordinators to present and discuss the work on environment and sustainability at GPH.
Actions taken at GPH in the last couple of years mainly refer to ideas and suggestions presented by staff to Ann who visited all GPH teams in 2022. This refers to, for example, reduced purchase and use of single use items, departmental directives on travel, and eco-labeled washing-up liquid. The departmental team challenge on reducing CO2, the joint work with CES on recycling at Torsplan as well as Bo Planstedt’s work on recycling electronic devices were also presented. The feedback from the audit panel was very positive and GPH was considered proactive in its work on becoming more environmentally friendly.
In October 2024, KI launched its new environmental policy which describes the intentions and directions of KI’s work with environmental sustainability. In the coming months, the environmental policy will be supplemented with an action plan for 2025–2027 containing information about concrete environmental targets and how to achieve them, will be presented.