PhD student Steven Kabwama presents at Global Health Security Conference

Steven N Kabwama, a PhD student in the research group GlobalChild Health and the SDGs attended the Global Health Security Conference that was held between 18th – 21st June 2024, Sydney Australia. He presented a poster on maintaining essential health services in Uganda that is part of hes doctoral research.
The Global Health Security Conference is held every two years, and is a platform where leaders, researchers, policy-makers, and representatives from government, international organisations, academia, civil society, and private industry from around the world engage with each other, review the latest research and policy innovations, and agree solutions for making the world safer and healthier. The conference fosters a multidisciplinary community of practice committed to working collaboratively to enhance global health security and eliminate disease, irrespective of its origin or source.

At the conference, Steven made a poster presentation from one of his PhD sub-studies “How interventions to maintain essential health services strengthened systems for delivery of maternal and child health services: A case study of Wakiso District, Central Uganda.” The presentation was an opportunity to disseminate research findings but also establish networks and collaborations with other researchers in the Global Health Security space from around the world.