Olof Stephansson receives NOK 9 million to study effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on reproductive health

Olof Stephansson at the Department of Medicine, Solna, conducts research on the care of women and their infants during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. He is now awarded funds from NordForsk to investigate the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic for mothers and reproductive health in order to produce useful knowledge in the face of similar social crises.

About the project:
Name of the project: SCOPE 2: Studies of COvid-19 in PrEgnancy - A framework to secure reproductive, maternal and child health during societal crises.
The Covid-19 pandemic caused a major crisis for society and healthcare worldwide, and both virologists and environmentalists predict that we will increasingly see similar crises in the future. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable during social crises, and it is also known that fertility is affected by health shocks. There is therefore a global need to understand the impact of covid-19 on maternal and reproductive health from a societal security perspective.
The overall aim and purpose of this project is to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced fertility patterns, reproductive health, pregnancy, and infant outcomes, in the medium- and long-term, and to use this knowledge to inform better preparation for and management of future similar societal crises.
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