Novel microcapsules to prevent heart disease
[NEWS 26 August 2011] For the past few years, researchers have been studying a promising approach for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, based on growth factor delivery, to stimulate new blood vessel growth from pre-existent blood vessels.

Until now, no suitable combination of these growth factors together with a delivery system ensuring the development of functional blood vessels had been discovered.
The research groups, lead by Yihai Cao at Karolinska Institutet and Ebba Bråkenhielm at Inserm Unit 644, Rouen, France, have now developed a novel strategy that meets this double-edged challenge. They have developed microcapsules containing two effective growth factors, which, once injected into the cardiac muscle, prevent cardiac dysfunction.
Arteriogenic Therapy by Intramyocardial Sustained Delivery of a Novel Growth Factor Combination Prevents Chronic Heart Failure.
Circulation 2011 Aug 8
Professor Yihai Cao
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)- Phone:
- +46 (0)8-524 875 96
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