Ning Xu Landén granted DKK 4.2 million by the LEO foundation
Associate Professor Ning Xu Landén, Department of Medicine Solna, has been granted DKK 4.2 million for research on wound healing.

The project seeks to improve wound healing by identifying key regulators of cellular transition from inflammation to proliferation, a cardinal event during normal skin wound healing which is lacking in chronic wounds.
Ning Xu Landén and her team will approach this by mapping the spatiotemporal changes, both genetic, molecular and cellular, happening during the healing of acute wounds. Using this mapping, they will then aim to identify the core genetic changes and intercellular crosstalk which regulates the inflammation to proliferation transition. Once identified, these changes and intercellular crosstalk will be characterized in more detail.
The goal is to identify the “master” regulators of inflammation-to-proliferation transition in order to improve and accelerate wound healing and thus minimize the risk of development of chronic wounds. If successful, this project could pave the way for a novel approach to wound healing which may also eventually reduce subsequent scarring.