New thesis: Environmental Exposures and Cardiac Arrhythmias
Welcome to Marcus Dahlquist's doctoral thesis defence on Friday 27 January 2023 at 9:00 in aulan, Danderyds hospital.

What is the thesis about?
The thesis is about how the ambient environment can affect the risk of heart rhythm disorders. More specifically, we have studied how the risk of suffering from cardiac arrest and atrial fibrillation is affected by outside temperature and air pollution exposure.
Can you tell us about some interesting results?
In our studies, we show that exposure to air pollution increases the risk of suffering from heart rhythm disturbances, both atrial fibrillation episodes and cardiac arrest. We observed these associations in Sweden despite the air pollution levels being below the current European limit values. The increased risk of sudden cardiac death was observed both in those living in urban areas as well as for those living in rural areas.
What further research is needed in the area?
Future research needs to investigate whether there is a lower limit for where air pollution is not harmful and how long-term exposure to air pollution affects the risk of suffering from heart rhythm disorders. Furthermore, it is important to investigate how the combination of air pollution and extreme temperatures affects the risk of heart disease, especially in view of global warming and the changes in climate that it will entail.
About the disseration
Time: 27 januari, 9.00 a.m.
Location: Auditorium (aulan), Danderyds hospital
Principal Supervisor
Petter Ljungman, Institute of environmental medicine, KI
Viveka Frykman, Department of clinical science, KI-DS
Gregory Wellenius, Department of Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health
Massimo Stafoggia, Department of Epidemiology, Lazio Regional Health Service
Sara Dubowsky Adar, University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA
On January 26 at 10:00-11:00 Sara Dubowsky Adar will give a lecture Air Pollution Research to Inform Public Policy and Action