Published: 15-04-2020 12:45 | Updated: 15-04-2020 12:45

Mobile phone use and sleep

Researchers at the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) have studied whether radiofrequency fields from mobile phone use affect sleep.

Nearly 25,000 people in Sweden and Finland have participated in the COSMOS study by answering a questionnaire on sleep quality and mobile habits on two different occasions. There was a correlation between longer call time and less sleep disturbance, but insomnia was somewhat more common among the 10% of participants with the longest total call time. The association with insomnia disappeared when the analyses took into consideration that radiofrequency fields from newer generations of mobile telephony are lower. The results do not support the hypothesis that radiofrequency fields have an adverse effect on sleep. Other aspects of extensive mobile phone use may be alternative explanations for the association with insomnia.


Long-term effect of mobile phone use on sleep quality: Results from the cohort study of mobile phone use and health (COSMOS).
Tettamanti G, Auvinen A, Åkerstedt T, Kojo K, Ahlbom A, Heinävaara S, et al
Environ Int 2020 Apr;():105687


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Maria Feychting
