MedS Day 2024

MedS Day 2024 gave employees and affiliates at the Department of Medicine Solna (MedS) a long-awaited opportunity to meet and take part in the department’s ongoing activities.
On November 5, it was MedS Day in Aula Medica. Employees and affiliates at MedS enjoyed external and internal speakers, and much appreciated mingle with old and new colleagues. The varied program included future visions, pedagogy, presentations of our new professors, sustainability issues and a very fun quiz.
After a welcome from Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Head of Department, Carl-Johan Sundberg, Dean of KI North, started the day by presenting visions for the future and emphasized the importance of keeping the focus on people in everything we do.
This was followed by a session about Pioneering Education & Teaching Practices at KI where we got a crash course in Team Based Learning (TBL) by Lina Davies-Forsman and a presentation about the importance of physical activity for health, function and a sustainable life by Carl-Johan Sundberg.
Our new professors at the department gave very inspiring presentations about their research areas and their current research, which once again showed the importance of our work and the width of expertise at the department. (Therese Djärv, Division of Clinical Medicine; Magnus Boman, Division of Clinical Epidemiology; Liv Eidsmo, Division of Dermatology; Peder Olofsson, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine; and Artur Fedorowski, Division of Cardiology.)
Christophe Pedroletti, the new CEO at Karolinska University Hospital, visited the conference to introduce himself and share his thoughts about future cooperation.
The now up and running Clinicum was introduced by Johan Askling, Annica Dominicus and Thomas Frisell from the Division of Clinical Epidemiology. Clinicum is a region-wide platform for design, support and collaboration of clinical studies and a great method support for KI- and Region Stockholm-employed and affiliated researchers. Check out the web site: Clinicum.
In the last session of the afternoon Hanna Karlsson and Sara Widén talked about sustainability initiatives at KI and especially about how to educate for sustainable development and sustainable healthcare.
Before hitting the buffe and start mingling we were tested about the day in a fun and energetic Quizz arranged by Julia Zerebinski and Rodrigo Arcoverde Cerveira Da Silva. The winner - Chantal Reinhardt - was the quickest person who also nailed most questions and therefore proudly could walk away with the large trophy!