Many CLINTEC researchers recipients of CIMED project grants and clinical research months 2025-2027

CIMED's review of the applications for the 2025-2027 project grants and clinical research months has now been completed and a decision on distribution of funds has been made by CIMED’s Board of Directors.
Congratulations to the fifteen researchers from the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC) who received project funding (P) and/or clinical research months (F).
Junior level:
Jenny Svedenkrans – “Is the breast milk good or bad when medications are involved? – Clinical effects in preterm infants exposed to maternal antihypertensive drug treatment through mother’s own milk.” (F).
Lotta Herling – “Selektiv tillväxthämning hos enäggstvillingar - en internationell studie (The CONTRAST-study - Selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twins – an international investigation).” (F).
Aristeidis Grigoriadis – “Improving individual prognostication, stratification, and evaluation of treatment response of individuals with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis with Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” (P+F).
Senior level:
Lars Navér – ”Allvarliga infektioner med Grampositiva bakterier hos nyfödda - hur påverkar infektion och antibiotikabehandling barnets överlevnad, hälsa och framtida utveckling?” (F).
Mikael Sundin – ”Sviktande benmärg i barndomen - en cancerpredisposition: diagnostik, behandling, uppföljning och risker.” (F).
Anders Kjellman – ”Radiomikmodell för att förutsäga det histologiska utfallet vid retroperitoneal lymfkörtelutrymning.” (F).
Gunilla Ajne – ”Utveckling av innovativa verktyg i kombination med kliniska studier för att göra instrumentell förlossning med sugklocka säkrare för både barn och kvinnor.” (F)
Marco Gerling – “inBLOOM: Integrated blood-derived markers to improve treatment decisions in liver metastases.” (F).
Olav Rooyackers – “Critical illness related muscle wasting and the positive and negative effects of protein feeding depending on the patient’s trajectory.” (P).
Bo-Göran Ericzon – “Cell-based immunotherapy in solid organ transplantation to minimize systemic immunosuppression.” (P).
Pauliina Damdimopoulou – “Novel genetic polymorphisms and secreted follicle markers for predicting ovarian function.” (P).
Cecilia Götherström – “Developing fetal mesenchymal stem cells into a treatment for Osteogenesis Imperfecta.” (P).
Magnus Nilsson – “Intraperitoneal therapies in peritoneally metastasized gastric cancer: Towards better survival with low toxicity and enhanced quality of life.” (P).
Kajsa Bohlin – “Triggers and modifiers of lung disease and lung function development following preterm birth - extended studies of the TELLUS and LUFT cohort.” (P+F).
Björn Fischler – ”Flera nyanser av gult. Patogenes, förlopp och behandling av spädbarn med olika former av gallstassjukdom.” (P+F).