Many clinical research positions for MedS professionals

Dedicated research time for clinical professionals is central to high quality clinical research. Region Stockholm annually announces positions at different levels for clinical research. This year, a large part of these very attractive positions went to researchers at the Department of Medicine Solna (MedS).
Region Stockholm annually announces positions at different levels for clinical research. The aim is to ensure the return of internationally competitive clinical researchers and access to research time for research-active, clinically active employees.
Clinical research refers to research that requires the structure and resources of the healthcare system and aims to solve a health problem or identify factors that lead to increased ill health. All health, medical and dental professionals are eligible to apply.
Posts allocated to researchers at MedS:
Specialist training with research (out of a total of 6 positions):
Monica Torres, Division of Dermatology and Venereology.
Clinical postdoc (out of 10 positions):
Angeles Shunashy Galindo Feria, Division of Rheumatology.
Johannes Mofors, Division of Rheumatology.
John Karlsson Valik, Division of Infectious Diseases.
Clinical research position (out of 8 positions):
Tove Wästerlid, Division of Clinical Epidemiology.
Ioannis Parodis, Division of Rheumatology.
Jenny Bolk, Division of Clinical Epidemiology.
Clinical higher research position (out of 7 positions):
Hanna Brauner, Division of Dermatology and Venereology.
Susanna Kullberg, Division of Immunology and Allergy.