KI’s reputation score increases

Karolinska Institutet's reputation score among the public has risen for the second year in a row, according to new survey results published on 10 September.
The Swedish survey institute Kantar Sifo compiles an annual reputation index for the country's higher education institutions based on a survey among the general public. For the second year in a row, Karolinska Institutet's reputation score has increased. The increase corresponds to 12 points, from an index score of 45 in 2019 to 57 in 2020. This means that KI has raised its reputation score by a total of 19 points in two years – a significant improvement. The survey was conducted this past summer.
KI's results fell sharply a few years ago after the Macchiarini case received widespread attention.

”This improvement shows that we are on the right track and should be seen as a tribute to our students, researchers and employees who contribute daily to make KI stronger and better. The raise in our reputation score is also likely to reflect our emphasis on science communication,” says President Ole Petter Ottersen.
The pandemic has led to a tripling of KI’s exposure in Swedish media compared to recent years.
”Many KI researchers, teachers and students take great responsibility for actively sharing their knowledge with society. The demand for expert knowledge during this extraordinary situation has been record high and KI's employees have really risen to the challenge,” says Ole Petter Ottersen.