KI calendar

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27 november

27 november 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Experts from Uganda and Sweden will discuss how innovative interventions, respectful maternity care and collaborations between UN agencies, researchers, hospital managers, and policymakers can enhance the quality of care during childbirth and drive sustainable improvements.
Lectures and seminars

3 december

3 december 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
KTH, Teknikringen 1
The University Alliance Stockholm trio is hosting a full-day seminar on how academia, industry and government agencies can work together for a more sustainable textile and fashion system.
Lectures and seminars

22 january

22 january 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Campus Solna
Please note that this policy lab will be held in Swedish!

På vårterminens första policy lab kommer vi att diskutera 2025 års forsknings- och innovationsproposition; dess innebörd, om KI:s inspel har gett något avtryck och hur man bäst kan ge inspel till framtida forsknings- och…
Lectures and seminars
Centrum för hälsokriser

8 april

8 april to 9 april
University College London (UCL) and Stockholm Trio welcome you to a collaborative workshop in London.
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