Published: 04-09-2020 16:46 | Updated: 07-09-2020 10:51

Karin Edman new Head of Administatration at LIME

Portrait of Karin Edman in slight profile, outside on Campus Solna
Karin Edman, Head of Administration at LIME. Photo: Charlotte Brandt

Karin Edman assumed the role of Head of Administration at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics on 1 September 2020. She has previously worked as financial controller at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), and before that, as a controller at Stockholm University of Humanities and Faculty of Law.

Welcome Karin! Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I have just left NVS, where I worked as a Controller, overall responsible for the department´s finances. I worked for NVS for three years.

Before that, I worked at Stockholm University as a Controller and Controller coordinator for the academic area for Human Science, for six years.

Earlier still and before Stockholm University, I worked in the private sector at a bank, SEB, as a business consultant.

Do you have any immediate plans?

My immediate plans are to meet my closest associates in the administrative support team and get to know them and strive to become a professional team in order to support the department in the best possible way.

Anything you would like to explore or focus more specifically on?

I am very curious about the research and education activities at LIME and I am looking forward to learn more about it from my new colleagues.

What would you rather do on your spare time?

My greatest interest, since I was a child, has always been horses. Nowadays I have my own horse. I also spend a lot of time with my grandchildren. We play a lot of football and ride bikes.
