Published: 27-09-2016 15:38 | Updated: 03-10-2016 14:51
Jiri Bartek and Jiri Lukas awarded the Fernström Foundation’s Grand Nordic Prize

Jiri Lukas and Jiri Bartek (to the right). Photo credit: Kennet Ruona
Jiri Bartek, professor at Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics and SciLifeLab in Stockholm, and Jiri Lukas, professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Protein Research at Copenhagen University, have been awarded the Fernström Foundation’s Grand Nordic Prize for their research on cellular responses to DNA damage.
Every year, the Eric K. Fernström Foundation awards local prizes to researchers at Sweden’s six medical faculties, and a Grand Nordic Prize of one million kronor. This latter prize is shared this year by professors Jiri Bartek and Jiri Lukas.