ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification renewed

We at Dentmed and Unitand continue to reduce our negative environmental impact. The audit was conducted by Susanne Evergård from Intertek on October 22-24, 2024. It resulted in a continued certification, without deviations. This confirms that we are all making a difference!
Positive observations
- System support for binding requirements (Notisum), chemical products (KLARA) and target follow-up (Stratsys)
- Management has ensured that relevant environmental roles have been assigned responsibilities and authorities to ensure that the management system meets the requirements.
- All interviewees during the audit showed a high level of awareness of the environmental policy, objectives, binding requirements linked to the environmental impact of their work, their own and the organization's contribution to environmental work, including the benefits of improved environmental performance.
- Increased cooperation with KI centrally on environmental and sustainability issues.
- Well-functioning communication according to who, when, how and forum for environmental issues internally and externally, e.g. environmental group and research monitoring via networking and business meetings, APT etc.
- Environmental representatives - show great commitment and knowledge with clear responsibility and authority
- Students are involved in the activities' environmental work.
- Annual environmental training for all employees.
- Management of deviations from internal audit.
Our strengths
- Management and staff are highly committed to the environmental work of the organization
- Internal audits support the progress of environmental work
- Your work on emergency preparedness (fire, chemicals,)
- Environmental performance has improved during the certification period.
- Stable systematic environmental management.
Review and conclusions on trends in performance since last certification
The organization impresses with a strong focus on developing the management system with clear integration into everyday operations. A clear red thread from strategy and goals to actual action.
Summary of the report
The environmental management system for Karolinska Institutet, Department of Dentistry shows good compliance with the relevant standard, ISO 14001:15. The audit examined the significant parts of the organization that are covered by the current Environmental Management System.
The audit showed consistently very good results, which were carried out through interviews with management representatives and employees in selected processes / parts of the business, as well as through random sampling of documentation according to the mandatory requirements.
Audited processes and parts of the operations
- Management
- Environmental management
- Clinical support
- Oral Rehabilitation Clinic
- Prevention and Disease Management Clinic
- Administration (Finance Unit, IT Unit, HR Unit and Service and Maintenance Unit)
- Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry Clinic
- Specialist Clinic
- Orthodontic Clinic
- Teachers' Clinic
- Dental Radiology Clinic
- Department of Pedodontics
- Department of Orthodontics
- Department of Oral Health and Periodontology
- Department of Oral Diagnostics and Surgery
- Department of Cariology and Endodontics
- Department of Oral Rehabilitation
- Office of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education