Interview with Carin Lennartsson in episode #100 of Medicinvetarna

Carin Lennartsson, Director and researcher at the Aging Research Center (ARC), a collaboration between Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, is interviewed in KI's podcast Medicinvetarna #100, where the topic is about 100-year-olds.

In this hundredth episode, several researchers at Karolinska Institutet are asked about various aspects and consequences of increasingly more people getting older.
Carin Lennartsson has, for a long time, focused on older people's health and living conditions, and various societal consequences of getting older. Among other things, she mentions that loneliness can be a problem for those who become very old as many of their friends and loved ones have passed away. However, she emphasises that the feeling of loneliness is subjective and that some people are perfectly satisfied with just a little social contact. She also points out that in the future we will need more people working in healthcare.