Published: 18-05-2021 17:58 | Updated: 19-05-2021 16:33

Interested in joining the GPH working group on the new 6-year medical programme?

The Department of Global Public Health will be involved in several courses in the new 6-year medical program that begins in Spring 2021.

We hope to be responsible for the course "The role of the doctor in care and society" in term 11. We will contribute to the progression of generic competencies in regards to Public Health, Health Promotion, Global Health, Equity in Health, Health Care Organization and Health Economy.

For the first courses, the planning work has begun, for others, applications are now in progress (Swedish). Much is still unclear regarding which institutions will be commissioned and how the division of responsibilities and resources will be. We now plan to create a working group to coordinate the work going forward and ensure that all available teacher resources are utilized optimally.

If you are interested in participating in the working group, contact Knut Lönnroth.


Knut Lönnroth Professor/Senior Physician