Published: 17-05-2019 14:48 | Updated: 30-09-2019 13:50

Implementation and effects of a school-based first line-model

The Medical Management Centre (MMC) has been asked by The Public Health Agency of Sweden to evaluate a school-based first line-model.

In the model, school-, social- and clinical health care services collaborate to offer early interventions for children with the risk of or with signs of mental ill-health.

The pilot project is initiated by The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and is an exstension of a first line-model in primary care.

The titel of the evaluation project is ”Implementation and effects of a model where the school-, social- and clinical health care services collaborate in the school context to offer early interventions for mental health” and extends to the end of 2020.

The project team consists of associate professor Anne Richter (project leader), professor Henna Hasson, PhD Daniel Berglind, MSc Malin Gunnarsson, MSc Irene Muli and MSc Maria Romare Strandh.

