Published: 13-12-2023 14:22 | Updated: 13-12-2023 14:22

"I want to become a professor"

The research group Cultural Medicine at the Department of LIME hosted PRAO students from the International School of Kungsholmen with the learning outcome to identify global key concepts to promote health and discuss importance of physical activity to promote health.

Students Yaroslav and Jonas together with professor Ekblad
Yaroslav Suprun, Solvig Ekblad and Jonas Ekstam Photo: Privat

Last week (4-8 December) the research group Cultural Medicine at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), was host and workplace for Jonas Ekstam and Yaroslav Suprun, two PRAO students from the International School of Kungsholmen. The learning outcome was to identify global key concepts to promote health and discuss importance of physical activity to promote health. 

Students depicted with HRH the Prince Daniel, HRH the Crown Princess Victoria, Carl Johan Sundberg
HRH the Prince Daniel, Jonas & Yaroslav, HRH the Crown Princess Victoria, Carl Johan Sundberg Photo: Elin Annwall, Kronprinsessparets stiftelse
former president of Karolinska Institutet Ole Petter Ottersen
Ole Petter Ottersen Photo: Solvig Ekblad

Jonas and Yaroslav participated in lectures on physical health, met former president of Karolinska Institutet Ole Petter Ottersen, they were in the audience at a defense (Carrie Tran: "Students' perceptions of interprofessional learning and virtual patients in primary healthcare") and were invited together with professor Carl Johan Sundberg, head of LIME to Generation Pep, at the castle where they met HRH the Crown Princess Victoria, HRH the Prince Daniel and Carolina Klüft.

At the end of the week both students said "I want to become a professor."

'It is important to introduce knowledge of science early in the children's mind', says Solvig Solvig Ekblad, head of the research group Cultural Medicine at LIME.
