Hughstone award 2019 to publication on acute patellar dislocation in children
The American Journal of Sports Medicine has nominated the paper “Operative Repair of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Injury Versus Knee Brace in Children With an Acute First-Time Traumatic Patellar Dislocation: A Randomized Controlled Trial” to the most outstanding paper of the year 2018.

Marie Askenberger, at the Department for Women’s and Children’s Health together with Eva Bengtsson-Moström, Wilhelmina Ekström, Elizabeth A. Arendt, Anna Hellsten, Christina Mikkelsen and Per-Mats Janarv have published the article that now receives the Hughston Award 2019.
Askenberger who is the first author of the paper will receive the price at The American Journal of Sports Medicines annular meeting in Boston in July 2019.
"It is an honor that a Pediatric Orthopedic article has received the award."
The study was part of Askenbergers thesis “Patellar dislocation in children” and was conducted at the department for Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at Astrid Lindgren's Children's hospital at the Karolinska University Hospital.
A special gratitude from the Swedish team to Professor Arendt at the University of Minnesota for her research collaboration.
Operative Repair of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Injury Versus Knee Brace in Children With an Acute First-Time Traumatic Patellar Dislocation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Askenberger M, Bengtsson Moström E, Ekström W, Arendt EA, Hellsten A, Mikkelsen C, et al
Am J Sports Med 2018 Aug;46(10):2328-2340