Hildur Arnardottir awarded SEK 4.5 million for research on cardiovascular prevention with omega-3 fatty acids

The grant is awarded by Vinnova in the European call "ERA PerMed 2022: Personalised Prevention".
Hildur Arnardottir at the Department of Medicine, Solna, is awarded SEK 4.5 million from Vinnova in the European call ERA PerMed 2022: Personalised Prevention.
Project name: Individualized cardiovascular prevention with omega-3 fatty acids against the healing of inflammation.
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death. Optimizing prevention is therefore of utmost importance, but personalized medicine has not yet reached clinical practice for cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids are traditionally considered to protect against cardiovascular disease but clinical trials have shown contradictory results. The aim of this project is to create a personalized decision-making tool to determine whether omega-3 treatment will optimally achieve cardiovascular health for individual patients.