Published: 15-10-2024 11:31 | Updated: 15-10-2024 11:31

Get vaccinated against seasonal flu on 7 or 12 November 2024

The flu season is almost here Photo: Pixabay

Seasonal flu will soon be sweeping the country. All Dentmed and Unitand employees have the opportunity to get vaccinated against seasonal flu at no cost, according to a management decision.

The vaccination is provided by Avonova


  • Thursday 7/11 at 13-17 in room Sundström, floor 6
  • Tuesday 12/11 at 8-13 in room Molaren, floor 6
    Molaren: go through the clinic's waiting room, through the door straight ahead, and then all the way through the corridor. The room is on the left side.
Seminarierum Sundström, plan 6 Universitetstandvården Foto: Kicki Carlsson KI

Fill in the vaccination form in advance

Please print and bring the form below filled in at the time of vaccination.

When should I get vaccinated?

It takes a few weeks for the vaccine to develop protection, so ideally you should get vaccinated before the flu season, in November-December. It can also be done after the turn of the year or when the epidemic is underway.

If you have already contracted the flu, the vaccine will not have time to prevent disease caused by the flu virus in question. Instead, the vaccine can protect against other influenza viruses that circulate later.

Is the flu vaccine safe?

Yes, the flu vaccine is safe. It has been used for over 40 years in hundreds of millions of doses. All vaccines have side effects, which only occur in a small proportion of those vaccinated.

What are the side effects?

  • The injectable vaccines can cause redness and soreness at the injection site.
  • Sometimes vaccine recipients experience muscle and joint pain, headache or fever. These symptoms subside after a few days and can be treated with antipyretics and painkillers.

Other side effects are rare. Serious side effects are very rare.

How long has VaxigripTetra been used?

Avonova uses Sanofi's vaccination VaxigripTetra. The content of VaxigripTetra is almost the same as Vaxigrip, produced by the same pharmaceutical company, which has been used since 1968 in over 1.8 billion doses. The difference is that Vaxigrip protected against three influenza viruses, while VaxigripTetra protects against four viruses. VaxigripTetra has been widely used in Europe since 2016.

Does the flu vaccine give me 100% protection?

No, the flu vaccine does not provide complete protection against influenza. In people of working age, the vaccine's protection against symptomatic influenza is between 70 and 90%, if the vaccine viruses are similar to the influenza viruses circulating in a large part of the population. While the vaccine does not guarantee that you will not pass on the infection, it is the best way to ensure that you do not spread the flu during an infection with symptoms, during an asymptomatic infection or the day before symptoms.

What about risk groups and pregnant women?

Pregnant women and people over 65 years old or people with certain underlying diseases can be vaccinated. If you are pregnant, vaccination is recommended after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The vaccine is safe to take throughout pregnancy, but the risk of serious influenza illness is greatest in the latter part of the pregnancy.

What if I am over 60 years old?

In addition to the standard influenza, this year we have expanded the range with a high-dose vaccine recommended for those over 60 years of age, as it provides a stronger immune response and better protection against complications.

What if I have allergies?

Avonova does not normally carry out vaccinations where there is a risk of you developing serious allergic side effects:

  • Egg allergy
  • Established allergy to something in the vaccine
  • If you have reacted to previous vaccinations

If you have any of these, you will be referred to another healthcare provider/vaccination centre.

Keep up to date via the Public Health Agency of Sweden's website: Influenza - about vaccination - Public Health Agency of Sweden (
