Published: 31-10-2023 15:56 | Updated: 31-10-2023 16:17
Forte grant to two researchers at NVS
Staffan Josephsson, Division of Occupational Therapy, and Marie Kierkegaard, Division of Physiotherapy, receives nearly five million SEK each as project grant from Forte.
Marie Kierkegaard, Division of Physiotherapy, and Staffan Josephsson, Division of Occupational Therapy, receives almost SEK 10 million together in project grant from Forte .
Photo: N/N
Marie Kierkegaard receives SEK 4,997,000 for the project ”Ett egenvårdsprogram för att förebygga fall hos personer med multipel skleros - en randomiserad kontrollerad studie” and Staffan Josephsson receives SEK 4,810,000 for ”Utvecklande av narrativt baserade praktiker för ökad värdighet och delaktighet inom äldreomsorg”.