Five researchers at NVS receive CIMED grants 2022-2024
Congratulations to all of you, who share a total of SEK 7,650,000!
CIMED project grant 2022-2024 – Junior
David Moulaee Conradsson
Division of Physiotherapy
Project title: How can promotion of physical activity after stroke or transient ischemic attack work remotely? Evaluation of an innovative telerehabilitation program to improve cardiovascular health
Hong Xu
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: Dementia, kidney disease and COVID-19
Urban Ekman
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: A collected clinical approach aiming at improved diagnostic accuracy and development of novel effective psychosocial interventions in patients with early-phase cognitive impairments
CIMED projektbidrag 2022-2024 – Senior
Anna-Karin Welmer
Division of Physiotherapy
Project title: Preventing functional decline in acutely hospitalized older patients – effect of a simple exercise program versus individualized multicomponent training (PREV FUNC study)
Lars-Olof Wahlund
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: Alcohol and dementia - Is there a connection?
CIMED (Centre for Innovative Medicine) supports clinical and translational research of the highest quality at Campus Flemingsberg. CIMED's mission is to strengthen the clinical research node at Campus Flemingsberg and stimulate collaboration between researchers at Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. CIMED is funded by Region Stockholm.