Published: 28-08-2019 15:23 | Updated: 04-09-2019 11:00
European Alzheimer’s prize to Professor Bengt Winblad

Bengt Winblad has been awarded the 2019 European Grand Prix for Alzheimer research by Fondation sur Recherche Alzheimer.
The prize consists - in addition to the honor - of a total of €100 000, of which €90 000 are intended for his lab research and €10 000 are regarded as a personal prize.
Bengt receives the award for his major efforts in Alzheimer's research. The prize-giving ceremony will take place on Monday 23 March 2020 in Paris.
”Of course I was very happy when I got the announcement,” says Bengt Winblad. ”It is a great honor that among leading basal scientists in the world get this appointment.”