Published: 15-03-2022 10:59 | Updated: 15-03-2022 10:59
EU funding for Yvonne Wengström, the Division of Nursing
The PREFERABLE II consortium, of which Yvonne Wengström is a member, has received EU funding for the project "Personalised Exercise-Oncology for improvement of supportive care: a super umbrella trial to demonstrate the (cost)effectiveness of live-remote exercise in cancer survivors."

Yvonne Wengström är professor i omvårdnad vid institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institiutet.
Foto: Martin Stenmark
A total of EUR 5,999,800 will be distributed. Of these, approximately SEK 5.7 million ends up in the Division of Nursing and Yvonne Wengström's research.