EOSC EU node: Information and demonstration

The first node of the emerging EOSC federation was launched in fall 2024. The node will supply research data and other resources. This webinar is about the EOSC EU node and how you may use it.
27 January 2025
Digitally via Zoom, link sent out a few days before the meeting
Swedish Research Council and The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF
Register no later than 23 January
The webinar will be held in English.
15.00 Introduction by the hosts
SUHF and Swedish Research Council
15.05 Background – what is the EOSC EU node and how can you use it?
Guido Aben, Swedish Research Council/Sunet
15.20 Demonstration and experiences of using the EOSC EU node
Angeliki Adamaki, Lund University
15.55 Closing with an opportunity for questions and reflections