Other Drupal workspace

10-09-2024 10:00 am - 11:00 am Add to iCal
Illustration showing a computer and a person with tools <a href="https://storyset.com/people">People illustrations by Storyset</a>
Image: Illustrations by Storyset

Are you working in Drupal and want some extra help and support? We invite all editors and content reviewers for ki.se to a Drupal work space.

Log in to the digital work space and edit your pages on ki.se or get through the Drupal course together with us. If you get stuck working with your content or have any questions, we can help you.

The Digital Communications Development team can support you on technical matters as well as questions on how to achieve your goals with web communication.

Come for the full hour or join us for just a short moment, whatever suits you best.


Jenny Thorell Communications Officer