Change in legislation regarding parental leave and care of a sick child (VAB)
Remember to apply care of a sick child (VAB) and parental leave in the PA web portal.
From January 1, 2025, all employers must report employees' absences that may entitle them to temporary parental benefits (VAB) or parental benefits. These records will then be verified against the information submitted to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).
The data will be submitted monthly by Karolinska Institutet to the Swedish Tax Agency, which will then transfer the information directly to Försäkringskassan. The purpose of this measure is to combat negligence and fraud related to parental benefits, including care of a sick child (VAB). Currently, only random checks are conducted.
Apply as usual in the PA web portal
This does not change how you should apply your parental leave. When you take VAB or other parental leave, it remains important to apply this absence in the PA web portal. This ensures that our payroll specialists can make the necessary salary deductions for the time covered by compensation from Försäkringskassan.
From January 2025, Karolinska Institutet will submit the following information to the Swedish Tax Agency, and subsequently to Försäkringskassan:
- Care of sick child (VAB)
- Parental leave
- Dates of absence
- Extent of absence: full day or part of the day