Lectures and seminars REDCap worskhop

05-05-2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Add to iCal

The Doctoral Programme in Biology of Infections and Global Health (BIGH) welcomes you to a workshop session on REDCap.

The objective of this workshop is to understand the features of REDCap and practice setting up a questionnaire.

The workshop will be divided in two sessions as follows:

Morning session (9:00– 12:00): Presenting the features and functions of REDCap including user rights, design features, data entry and data quality checks. 

Afternoon session (13:00 – 16:00): Practical session on developing a tool in REDCap. You are welcome to practice with your own questionnaires - otherwise one will be shared.

The REDCap workshop will be online. Only 25 places are available. Hence, a place will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Doctoral students participating to the workshop will get credits for their participation.

Deadline for registration is April 11th.