Awards to researchers in occupational and environmental medicine

At the occupational and environmental medicine spring meeting on May 30, three researchers from the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) received awards for Best thesis, Innovative research and Life time achievement.
Best thesis: Karin Grahn, IMM
Occupational exposure to particles in relation to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease
The jury: Karin Grahn's thesis combines academic excellence with practical applicability. She studies a large occupational population and the outcome of two of our most common non-communicable diseases, where the results highlight that ill health can be prevented for many through an improved work environment via reduced exposure, which in turn reduces the incidence of disease and enables a longer working life.
Innovative research: Karin Broberg, IMM
The jury: With innovation and courage Karin Broberg managed to create and hold together the SafeChrom project, which includes all occupational and environmental medicine clinics in the country, around a very urgent area. The broad participation has resulted in a national gathering of forces that has contributed to benefits in working life. The project is important from a preventive perspective and has created opportunities for the promotion of a good working environment and the prevention of work-related unhealth.
Life Time Achievement Award: Maria Albin, IMM
The jury: With a strategic ability and great breadth of knowledge, Maria Albin has developed and defended the field of occupational and environmental medicine with equity in health and sustainable working life as guiding principles. Based on a strong scientific basis and proven experience, she has engaged in knowledge dissemination and dialogue with the surrounding society both in Sweden and internationally.
The spring meeting in occupational and environmental medicine 2024 was arranged by Region Örebro.