Published: 27-02-2025 13:13 | Updated: 27-02-2025 13:13

Assault alarms are now installed in our reception areas at the University Dental Clinic

Assault alarms at the University Dental Clinics receptions Photo: Kicki Carlsson KI

As our employees who receive patients in the receptions have a vulnerable role, assault alarms have now been installed on floors 6 and 8. The alarm goes directly to the security guard, who sees the position of the alarm. At the same time, an SMS is sent to the manager. The whole of Campus Flemingsberg has security guards on site during the day, and security guards at night.

SMS to manager in case of assault alarm in reception

The issue of vulnerability in the receptions has been included in our work environment rounds, and the work has been going on for a long time to get a central agreement at KI and a procured supplier. It is now finalised, and our department is the first at KI with installed assault alarms.

Those involved have attended a training programme that included questions about the situation: what can happen, when should I raise the alarm, what happens when I have raised the alarm. 

The staff at the reception think it's great to know that help will come quickly if a threatening situation arises.


Read more about emergencies on Campus here.

Telephone security guard Campus Flemingsberg: 08-524 860 60