Published: 09-02-2021 14:07 | Updated: 09-02-2021 14:07

Art at the Hagstromer Library 2021

Image depicts an animal skeleton admired by four men i historical clothing.
En av många spektakulära bilder i HB:s konstsamling. Foto: Anna Lantz

In 2021, the Hagströmer Library will focus on art and artists. Beginning in the spring with an exhibition of illustrations in books and prints within the library's own collections, featuring some of art history's most famous figures, created by our curator Anna Lantz.

Albrecht Dürer, Lucas van Leyden and Honoré Daumier are just some of the world-famous artists whose works are included in the Hagströmer Library's collections. Our collections have also inspired prominent contemporary artists such as Ulla Wiggen, Helene Schmitz, Nikolina Ställborn, Uriel Orlow and David Molander.

During the autumn, we present new exhibitions in collaboration with two female artists: Jenny Åkerlund and Ida Rödén. Åkerlund's works of glass and paper are based on themes such as optics and ophthalmology. Rödén's work revolves around the fictional Linnaeus disciple Jonas Falck.

Keep an eye out for events and exhibitions in Haga Tingshus and online during the year!

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