Animal Rights Alliance to demonstrate on Solna campus
The Animal Rights Alliance (Djurrättsalliansen) is currently running a campaign to “retire” five monkeys used for research at KI. The campaign includes appeals on social media and distribution of leaflets on the Solna campus. KI uses monkeys for medical research, such as that conducted for vaccine development, when no other options are available.
The ARA’s “Save the KI monkeys” campaign revolves around five crab-eating macaques that have been at KI since 2009.
The ARA are leafleting staff and students outside the KI Solna campus during the first week of September. They will also be demonstrating outside the Astrid Fagraeus laboratory (KM-F) in Solna on Friday 3rd September.
Primate research at KI
KI has used primates for medical research for many years, but as a last resort for research on medical concerns such as severe communicable diseases. A current example is research on drugs and vaccines for COVID-19.
The use of animals in scientific research is strictly regulated by Swedish and EU animal protection legislation. To conduct animal research in Sweden, for instance, scientists must apply for a permit from a regional animal research ethics board, which weighs the effects on the animals against the scientific benefits.

KI’s primates are kept in large spaces fitted out to cater for their natural behavioural and social needs. All personnel involved in animal research and animal handlers at KI are obliged to undergo basic and, depending on role, further training in laboratory animal science.
Much important work is being done to reduce the number of animals used in medical research, to improve techniques and to replace animal research with alternative methods.
If you have questions regarding animal experiment in resarch, please contact