Published: 04-11-2020 10:29 | Updated: 04-11-2020 15:00
Agneta Nordberg is awarded ”2020 Grand Prix for research on Alzheimer disease”
Agneta Nordberg, professor at the Division of Clinical Gertiatrics, NVS, is awarded ”2020 Grand Prix for research on Alzheimer disease” by Recherche Alzheimer Fondation at Sorbonne Université, Paris.

Agneta Nordgren, professor at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics, NVS.
Photo: Lennart Utberg
Created in 2011, it is designed to reward a scientist known in the scientific community for the excellent level of his/her publications and capable of putting together a team to tackle a particular promising research project.
The aim of the Grand Prix, funded with €100 000 is to personally reward the winning researcher to the tune of €10 000, and provide the laboratory to which the winning researcher is attached with €90 000 of operating funds