Admin News #1/2022 for staff and affiliates at NEURO
Administrative news for staff and affiliates at the Department of Neuroscience (issue #1/2022).
A word from the head of administration
We are pleased to announce that Gilberto Fisone's appointment as head of department has been extended for three years, until 2025.
We are also looking forward to the department's retreat on 19-20 September 2022. More information to come!
Human resources
Axel Bergwik on parental leave
Axel Bergwik is now on parental leave until August 2022. During his absence Malin Guvéus will be handling HR related matters at the department, kindly assisted by and Anna Däckfors.

2022 Employee survey at KI
The department would like to thank you for your commitment and response, we reached a response rate of 73%, not far from the target of 80%. This survey is very important for the department as far as work environment, engagement, and organisation is concerned.
We will get back to you with more information and the results of the survey at the end of May, when KI has compiled all results from the survey.

Safety representatives (still) wanted
Federico Iovino volunteered to become local safety representative for the Department of Neuroscience and help promote a good working environment. However, we are still looking for candidates willing to take on this role along with Federico, ideally one safety representative in each of the Neuroscience quarters, i.e., 4B, 4D and 8B.
The management at Neuro would once again like to stress the importance of this role and encourages any one who might be interested, to take the opportunity and consider the position. You will receive training, collaborate with several persons at KI and be part of the work safety organisation within Biomedicum and KI.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact Håkan Karlsson at Neuro, Bo Nilsson or Venus Azhary. Bo and Venus are both main safety representatives (huvudskyddsombud) at KI.
The Swedish Work Environment Act stipulates that all workplaces should have an elected local safety representative (lokalt skydds-/arbetsmiljöombud).
Roles, rights and responsibilities
New routine for reporting illness/sick-leave
As from 1 May 2022, you as an employee will self-report your sick leave directly in the PA web, in the same way as for reporting VAB (childcare). The reporting must be made on the first day of illness.
The supervisor will receive an email once the sick-leave has been reported and will confirm this in the PA web.
If you get sick
Contact HR
Please remember to use the email address for any HR-related matters.
The financial result of the first quarter for the department is completed and we will now communicate the outcome to each PI.
Contact finance/economy
For any finance/economy-related matters, please remember to use the email address

Doctoral education
Welcome to newly admitted doctoral students
- Felix Jung, main supervisor Marie Carlén (1 January 2022)
- Tianyu Zheng, main supervisor Jan Mulder (1 February 2022)
- Yu-Hsin Chang, main supervisor Örjan de Manzano (1 February 2022)
- Kanthida van Welzen, main supervisor Örjan de Manzano (3 March 2022)
Doctoral thesis
Congratulations to Svava Steiner who successfully defended her thesis on 18 February 2022.
Title: “The dynamics of intra- and inter-organ communication during an acute kidney infection”
Abstract and list of papers
Undergraduate education
The new medical program started in autumn 2021 and the Department of Neuroscience is responsible for the second semester with the courses Basic Science 3 and Basic Science 4.
Course plans

Update your profile page with your photo and information
Update your personal profile page on KI with a photo and include additional information about your background, current research, links to social media, display your list of publications, etc.). The profile page is usually one of the first hits when googling/searching your name and KI, so a very useful channel to present yourself, if up to date. Remember that your profile page is a presentation of yourself, so use first person in body text.
Guidelines for using email signatures with KI as the sender
Follow the guidelines for email signatures and select standard font for email. We all contribute to a stronger KI when being consistent and professional in our communication.
KI’s graphic design and document templates
Make use of templates in accordance with Karolinska Institutet’s graphic rules. For Word and PowerPoint, there is now a new feature where you select KI templates directly in Office 365.
Overview of the KI brand
Get to know more about the use of name, logo, fonts, and colours? Two short lessons in branding.
Take a quick test to see how much you know about KI’s brand.