Published: 21-02-2019 10:08 | Updated: 15-05-2019 16:46
A summary of EpiChrom meeting at Biomedicum in February 2019

The EpiChrom 2019 - Swedish Epigenetic and chromatin was a meeting where 200 researchers gathered at Biomedicum (14-15 Feb, 2019). The meeting was organised by Claudia Kutter (MTC), Vicent Pelechano (MTC), Simon Elsasser (MBB) and Magda Bienko (MBB) and co-sponsored by SciLifeLab, Wenner Gren, VR and numerous companies. It continued the rich tradition of bringing together epigenetic enthusiasts from Sweden and around the world working on a variety of research approaches and cutting-edge technologies. The outstanding keynote speakers Jennifer Mitchell (enhancer biology, University of Toronto) and Clodagh O’Shea (chromatin structure, SALK) set the tone for further in-depth scientific discussions throughout the meeting.