Published: 08-10-2014 14:55 | Updated: 13-10-2014 11:41

World Spirometry Day October 2-3

During two days October 2-3, 1360 people took the opportunity to test their lungs at Central Station free of charge on Spirometry Day 2 to 3 October.

Spirometridagen monter på CentralstationThis was the fifth time Cfa organized this public lung function testing event, and the theme for 2014 was “Clean Air”. Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) was one of the sponsors. Similar events took place around the world as part of the "Healthy Lungs for Life" campaign coordinated by the European Lung Foundation.

The aim of public spirometry tests is to raise awareness of airways diseases such as asthma and COPD, and the importance of measuring lung function with spirometry if you are part of a risk group.