Welcome Margarita Mondaca, new deputy programme director for the Occupational Therapy Study Programme!
Margarita Mondaca at the Division of Occupational Therapy has been appointed deputy Programme Director (PD) for the Occupational Therapy Study Programme.

How long have you been working at the department?
– I started in 2010, my first position was as an external lecturer.
When did you become an occupational therapist yourself?
– I studied in Chile and earned my bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy in 1995.
For how long did you work as an occupational therapist before becoming a teacher?
– I worked clinically for almost 15 years, within mental health, psychiatry, and human rights. I was a clinical supervisor and taught mainly mental health and psychiatry for both occupational therapy students and medical students in Chile. I always enjoyed student interactions in different ways.
When did you defend your thesis?
– I earned my PhD in November 2018, at Karolinska Institutet.
Did you think you would be considered for the position as deputy PD?
– Yes, I was very honored to be considered and nominated.
Are there any particular challenges for the Occupational Therapy Study Programme ahead?
– I think we have many challenges in the future, the most important one is to educate future occupational therapists who can contribute to the society on different levels. The growing inequality and vulnerability of different groups create health issues and prevent many people from living a good life. Future occupational therapists could play a major part in creating an inclusive society, so education is key in forming competent, creative and compassionate occupational therapists.
What are you mostly looking forward to?
– I look forward to getting aquatinted with this position, finding common ground and cooperate with other study programmes, and practice engaging forms of pedagogical leadership.
What is the most important part of the job as deputy PD?
– To carry out a comprehensive responsibility, together with the PD, including quality and coordination of the curriculum as well as and an ongoing dialogue with our teachers and other programmes at KI.