Published: 08-02-2024 12:46 | Updated: 26-08-2024 13:42

Vice President Martin Bergö visited Makerere University in Uganda 2024

Vice Chancellor of Makerere University Barnabas Nawangwe and Vice President of Karolinska Institutet Martin Bergö during the visit to Makerere University in February 2024.

In February, Vice President Martin Bergö visited Makerere University in Uganda, a long-term partner of Karolinska Institutet. As the chairman of the steering committee for the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health (CESH), a collaborative initiative between Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University, he met his counterparts at the university and the college of health sciences, toured research sites, discussed global health challenges, and met with alumni and partners.

Personer KI:s universitetsledning
Martin Bergö. Photo: Liza Simonsson.

"I am genuinely impressed by the commitment and results arising from this collaboration. For example, I visited Naguru Hospital in Kampala and saw firsthand how Midwife Sarah Muwanguzu, working in the Midwize project with colleagues from Uganda and Sweden, has been able to create hands-on practical and meaningful improvements for women during childbirth," says Martin Bergö.

Regarding the collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University, Martin Bergö emphasises the clear potential of ongoing research projects to produce significant societal effects—which underscores how important it is that governments continue to fund international development research. He also stresses the continued need to secure bilateral opportunities for exchange and research possibilities to strengthen Ugandan and Swedish researchers, teachers, and students.

Continuing his remarks, Martin Bergö expressed satisfaction, stating:

"I was pleased to learn that, despite the difficult financial landscape for international development research, two initiatives within the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health obtained renewed funding this week".

These initiatives operate under the umbrella of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health.