Published: 12-12-2012 00:00 | Updated: 26-11-2013 10:33

Universities and the truth: Seminar with Nature

[PRESS INVITATION 12 December 2012] Welcome to a seminar on truth and quality in science, an issue in which mentoring often plays a cardinal role. Speakers will include editor-in-chief for Nature, Philip Campbell, and professors Hans Wigzell and Hans Rosling from Karolinska Institutet.

Much published academic research cannot be replicated and is thus not credible. One possible way of addressing this problem is to invest more in mentoring in the laboratory. The journal Nature has selected the best mentors in the Nordic region and to coincide with the award ceremony will be holding a seminar on the credibility of research.

Philip Campbell, editor-in-chief for Nature will be talking about how the journal sees the problem of non-replicable results and about what can be done to improve the reliability and veracity of published data. If research is unreliable, the credibility of the entire scientific community is compromised.

The main source of the criticism is the drugs industry, which has shown that as much as 75 to 90 per cent of the results from certain academic research fields cannot be replicated.

"A very small amount is due to fraud," says Professor Wigzell, chair of the Nature Awards for Mentoring in Science panel for the Nordic region. "Mostly, however, the problem is because the research isnt done well enough, and this is where the mentor can be an invaluable role model and leader."

Professor Wigzell will be talking about his personal experiences of how research can sometimes go awry. In addition, Professor Rosling, who is known for his work disseminating knowledge to the wider community, will be talking about the challenges of keeping ignorance at bay and of teaching about the actual state of the world.

No advance registration required.

  • When: Wednesday, 19 December 10 am - 12 pm
  • Where: Nobel Forum, Nobels väg 1, Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna

With its Nature Awards for Mentoring in Science programme, Nature strives to raise awareness about good mentorship. Every year since 2005, the journal has awarded prizes of ten thousand euro (equivalent) to the best supervisors in one or more countries. Honoured this year are the three best mentors in the Nordic region. The winners will be presented on 19 December in connection with the seminar at Karolinska Institutet.

For further information on the Nature Awards for Mentoring in Science, see:

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