Published: 18-11-2014 10:37 | Updated: 18-11-2014 10:38

Two researchers share the Karolinska Stroke Award

Professor Vladimir Hachinski, London, Ontario, and Professor Bo Norrving, Lund is jointly awarded the Karolinska Stroke Award for Excellence in Stroke Research 2014.

Professors Hachinski and Norrving received the award from Vice Chancellor Anders Hamsten, Karolinska Institutet, in connection with the ongoing ESO Karolinska Stroke Update meeting in Stockholm.

The award is 100,000 Swedish kronor and is shared between the awardees, for “their leading role in clinical stroke research, in particular the understanding of stroke syndromes, pathophysiological mechanisms of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, and the organisation of stroke services.”

Among professor Hachinski most important discoveries are the key role of the insula of the brain for sudden death and, together with other researchers, the ischaemia-amyloid – inflammation link between Alzheimer disease and stroke, paving the way for novel therapeutic approaches.

Professor Norrving was corresponding author of the Swedish Aspirin Low Dose Trial (SALT), a landmark publication in the Lancet in 1991, later included in Vintage Papers from Lancet of the most important papers from 1823 to 2005. His main research activities have been focused on stroke epidemiology, stroke syndromes, small vessel disease, ultrasound, neuroimaging, clinical genetics, clinical trials and organisation of stroke services.

Read more avout Stroke Update 2014.