Two new Chairs for the Working environment group

In December, Mari Gilljam and Elisabeth Henriksson took over the chairmanship of the Work Environment group at Department of Medicine, Huddinge.
Work Environment group consists of twelve regular members from different professions, and two student representatives.
The group meets once a month, is advisory to the prefect, and reports to the department's Management group.
What does it mean for you to take over the presidency from Anna Maria Bernstein?
- Many things to get to grips with. Anna Maria was Chair for a long time, and had an eye on everything. It’s important that we constantly keep ourselves informed about what’s happening at KI related to the working environment.
Why do you share the chairmanship?
-We both felt that being Chair on your own would take up too much time. We both work in the lab, and take care of patient samples, which is of course our first priority.
- It's nice to be able to divide the responsibility, and to have someone to juggle ideas with.
What issues does the Work Environment group work with?
-SWEW - systematic work-environment work. In the Work Environment group we discuss various things that come up in the meetings. Things that have happened in the various units - if there are incidents that need to be addressed.
- We arrange Q- rounds with current issues. The first Q-round this year Previa will come here to tell us about what they do, and what they can offer staff at KI.
- We initiate safety inspections, and ergonomic rounds.
What made you want to devote yourself to Work Environment issues?
-It’s interesting and important. A good environment in your workplace, both psycho-social and physical is important.
What issues are important to you?
- There’s much talk about the psycho-social work now. It’s probably been a bit neglected here. Now it’s time to change this. Much focus has been on the physical aspect of your workplace.
What will be the biggest challenge as president?
- Right now, in the beginning there are quite a lot of things to get to grips with, and create good routines. It’s important to get everyone to get into a working environment mindset in everything that happens at work.
Elisabeth Henriksson, Biomedical analyst at Unit of Heart and lung diseases. Member of Barbro Dahlén's research group. Based at Center for Infectious Medicine, CIM. She has worked at Campus Huddinge for about ten years.
Mari Gilljam, Biomedical analyst at HERM. Member of Evren Alici's research group. She has worked at Campus Huddinge for about 15 years.