Thesis presentations from the Global Health Master students

Six students from the Master's Programme in Global Health guested the Global Child Health and Sustainable Development Goals team meeting to present their thesis projects. Many thanks to all of you that joined our meeting and a special thanks to the students for their nice presentations and the good discussions that followed.
The Global Child Health and SDG team have bi-monthly meetings, where we share updates and invite speakers to give presentaions. The latest meeting took place March 16 in the Widerströmska building and online. Below you can find the presentations from the master students.
Ángela Amorós Molina: Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals in higher education globally- A scoping review.
Supervisor: Olivia Biermann Co-supervisors:Tobias Alfvén and Daniel Helldén
Katalin Vincze: Opportunities and challenges in generating political priority for adolescent mental health and wellbeing globally- A scoping review.
Supervisors: Olivia Biermann, Mariam Claeson, Jill Witney Åhs
Katerina Crawford: Assessment of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Healthcare Facilities in the Bauchi and Adamawa States of Nigeria- Implications for Cholera Control.
Supervisor: Kelly Elimian
Kévin Lasmi: The quality of seasonal malaria chemoprevention programmes in Burkina Faso, Chad and Nigeria- A comparative case study exploring the perspectives of caregivers and community distributors.
Supervisor: Kevin Baker Co-supervisor: Kelly Elimian
Theresa Pfurtscheller: Usability of five pulse oximeters used for children under five in a community setting- A cross sectional study in Cambodia, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda.
Supervisor: Kevin Baker Co-Supervisor: Tobias Alfvén
Valentina Arcos Elgueta: Research priorities in neonatal, child, and adolescent health across different research areas in Low and middle-income countries- A scoping review.
Supervisor: Carina King Co-supervisor: Olivia Biermann