The Swedish Research Council evaluates KI's scientific research quality

During the year, the Swedish Research Council will carry out a comprehensive national evaluation of the quality and importance of preclinical research in basic medical and pharmaceutical sciences. KI is one of seven Swedish higher education institutions that are being audited. The Swedish Research Council's evaluation refers to the results of research published during the years 2018-2024.
The scope of the selection of top publications and case studies that KI and other involved higher education institutions must submit is predetermined by the Swedish Research Council.
It is proportional to the size and research activity of each university. An international panel of experts will evaluate the material submitted.
The Swedish Research Council's subject evaluation is the third of its kind, following previous evaluations in physics and political science. The results aim to motivate higher education institutions, politicians and funders to take measures that strengthen the quality of Swedish research.

“In the long term, the evaluation may affect the conditions for research in Sweden. Therefore, it is important that KI does well,” says Vice President Martin Bergö, who heads KI's internal review panel with experts.
The Swedish Research Council's evaluation model consists of two main parts: scientific quality and societal benefit, and is intended to complement other efforts to develop Swedish research.
The Swedish Research Council's evaluation model
The quantity and breadth of KI's research is evaluated through quantitative, bibliometric, analysis of all scientific publications during the years 2018-2024.
The significance of KI's research will be described in so-called case studies where the research's impact on society will have occurred during 2018-2024.
The most excellent research is evaluated through peer review, an expert review of a selection of top publications that KI will submit to the Swedish Research Council.
Several units are involved
Several units within KI, such as the Research and Doctoral Education Office, the University Library and the Research Support Office, support the internal work of producing documentation. KI's researchers have been invited to propose suitable case studies.
The final decision on which material is to be submitted is made by KI President Annika Östman Wernerson. Publications and case studies must be submitted to the Swedish Research Council by 3 September and 5 November respectively.
The results of the national evaluation are expected to be published by April 2025.
National picture of the research area
The seven higher education institutions covered by the Swedish Research Council's ongoing review are: the University of Gothenburg, Karolinska Institutet, Linköping University, Lund University, Umeå University, Uppsala University and Örebro University.
The Swedish Research Council assesses that the seven selected higher education institutions provide a national picture of the research area of basic medical and pharmaceutical sciences.
According to Statistics Sweden, the selected departments represent 96 percent of all researchers in Sweden in the research area for the period 2018–2022 and 99 percent of all doctoral students in the field.
The current evaluation does not include clinical research as this was included in the ALF evaluation conducted in 2023.
Source: Swedish Research Council