Published: 09-05-2024 15:25 | Updated: 09-05-2024 15:23

The first-ever GPH PhD conference

Emile Agardh at GPH PhD conference
Photo: Johannes Frandsen

The first-ever GPH PhD conference took place on 11 April 2024 under the theme “Mastering research methods and creating opportunities for the future”. Approximately 40 PhD students and 40 researchers from GPH participated in the event, making it a vibrant platform for academic exchange and networking. The conference featured parallel workshops focusing on specific aspects of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research.

The conference concluded with a session on careers, co-organized with the KI Career Service, aimed at guiding participants towards successful career paths after completing their doctoral studies. This session featured a panel discussion with esteemed GPH alumni, offering insights and advice to current students and researchers. The conference will now be held annually.

Portrait of Olivia Biermann
Photo: Johannes Frandsen

“My highlight of the conference was the panel discussion with GPH alumni which I had the honour to moderate. I found it inspiring – not only to learn from alumni about their career experiences and to hear how grateful they are for their education from GPH – but observing how a real dialogue started between the alumni and the current PhD students", says Olivia Biermann Postdoctoral Researcher at GPH.

The day also included an epistemological corner activity, where participants were asked about the nature of science, truth, civilization, poetry and much more! Mercedes Vila Ortiz and Leo Zeigel were two of the PhD students who led the activity.

"We would like to thank those who participated in the Epistemological Corner! The PhD conference was a wonderful learning opportunity to delve into methodological discussions. From how to establish trustworthiness in qualitative research to philosophical underpinnings of epidemiological research, the conference offered a wide variety of topics to reflect upon." says Mercedes Vila Ortiz, PhD Student at GPH.

The answers participants wrote in the Epistemological corner will be shared soon.